On user interface density

At a previous company, we had strong feedback from sales that prospects thought our legacy, cash-cow product looked old and outdated. They were right, and those first impressions are hard to shake. We lost deals (in part) because of design.

We had to figure out how to solve the sales objection while not alienating our existing power users.

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Make a good, fast website

Not much has changed since I started publishing on the web in 1998. HTML written back then still works, and the most successful bloggers still earn their success not only for the quality of their writing or the design of their blogs but because they just write.

Every now and then, I get questions about this site — its design, how it’s ‘run’, etc. If you need a nudge in the right direction, here’s how I did it, and here’s what you should do, too.

Just write →

Product Management Reading List, 2019

Do you want to be a better product manager? Do you enjoy words? Do you like the endorphin hit you get when they slide their way through your eyeballs into your brain? I sure do. Here are some of my favorite words on Product Management.

Read more, then read more →

Interviewing Product Managers

Because PMs come from diverse backgrounds and because every company does Product Management differently, there’s no ideal interview process that works for everyone. But most great PMs share key attributes and behaviors that make them great.

Over time, I’ve honed a number of interview questions I believe get to the heart of these attributes and behaviors. Responses to scenarios like these are difficult to rehearse, since they’re unpredictable and since good interviewers can ramp the difficulty of the scenario when candidates respond well.

Broaden your PM interview repertoire →


Over my career, I’ve kept a short, private list of the most important lessons I’ve learned, usually the hard way. In hopes that others might avoid the mistakes I’ve made, I’ve decided to publish and maintain that list here.

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Outside of my home city of New York, my favorite city in the world is Rome. I’ve spent almost half a year of my life there, and I find new things to love every time I visit.

I’m sometimes asked for advice on where to go and what to do in the Eternal City, so I’ve compiled this little guide containing my favorites.

Esploriamo →